Premier Mitigation & Testing Company
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Surgeon General of the United States, The American Lung Association, the National Safety Council, Consumer Federation of America foundation, The American Association of Radon Scientist and technologists and the National and American Society of Home Inspectors recommend that all Homes be tested for Radon. In most Real Estate Contracts a ‘Radon’ clause is present stating that a radon inspection must be made on the property. Many Mortgage Companies are also requesting that the home be tested for Radon before a mortgage is approved.
Simply stated, Radon is a Cancer-Causing, Radioactive Gas that causes 15,000 to 22,000 or 12% of Lung Cancer deaths annually. Radon is the second leading cause of Lung Cancer in the United States behind Smoking. Radon is colorless, odorless and undetectable unless a test in done.
EPA says that 1 in every 15 homes has a high level of Radon above the take action amount of 4 picas curies per liter. (4 pCi/L) It is unfortunate but most of the Colorado area is in a high level zone according to the EPA map of high level zones in the United States.
A quick summary of radon information clearly states that no matter how high the radon levels are your home, they can become Hazardous to your Health or cause lung Cancer, if you are exposed to radon gas for long periods of time. The higher the Radon Level is in your home and the more time you spend in your home the more likely you could develop lung cancer. If you smoke or have smoked in the past your chances of developing Lung Cancer are 17 times greater.